Movies showing IFT and protein transport in flagella of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Intraflagellar transport (IFT) IFT20-mCherry expressed in ift20-1 null mutant imaged by TIRFM in real time. Tubulin transport by IFT Simultaneous imaging of mNeonGreen-tagged alpha-tubulin (left) and IFT20-mCherry (right) in a cell with growing cilia. Tubulin transport in growing cilia Cilia were amputated from sfGFP-tubulin expressing cell and the cell was allowed to partially regrow the cilia prior to TIRF analysis. Then, both cilia were bleached and the reentry of unbleached GFP-tubulin from the cell body was imaged. Note tubulin transport by IFT and incorporation of tubulin into the distal parts of the growing cilia. CLICK JCBimage FOR HIGH QUALITY VIDEO AND DOWNLOAD Video 5 - A marker for flagellar asymmetry in Chlamydomonas (movie by Kewei Yu) CAH6-mNG expressed in Chlamydomonas cah6 mutant preferably locates to the trans-flagellum