Disclaimer: The content of linked pages do not necessarily reflect the views of the lab members or the University of Georgia. Alga and protist videos Jeremy Pickett-Heaps (1) (2) (3) Life@1000fps Chlamydomonas links: Chlamydomonas flagellar proteome, Chlamydomonas Resource Center, Chlamydomonas Genome @ Phytozome Miscellaneous: Chlamydomonas song, Chlamydomonas band: Fell good, Chlamydomonas band trailer, How to Pronounce Chlamydomonas,Chlamydomonas stickers Chlamydomonas labs: Marshall lab, Nicastro lab, DNA analysis: Restriction Digest, Translate DNA -> Protein, Reverse Complement, Compute MW/pI, NCBI blast, Search for a Gene, EST, Protein ..., Primer design recommendations, PrimerDesignEMBL, Compute Primers, PCR strategies: Overlap PCR, Protein Analysis: CLUSTALW, COILS, People watching Trump (1) (3) Ergodan (1); LaPierre (1); Kemp (1) (2) Gonzalez; Music Caravan of Love; Psycho killer; American idiot; Is mir egal; Lust for life; Make America Great Again; TumblinIn;